All Episodes
Displaying 121 - 131 of 131 in total
Dear Younger Me, Part 3: We Want to Fix It - Pastor Nate
In this second week, it is necessary to make a distinction between healthy and unhealthy regret. Healthy regret is essential to repentance—what we would call contritio...
Dear Younger Me, Part 2: We Want to Be In Charge - Pastor Nate
The best thing for us is to move forward, and the primary thing preventing that is our own arrogance. The belief: “If I could go back, I’d do it differently!” grossly ...
Dear Younger Me, Part 2: We Want to Be In Charge - Pastor Kuehl
The best thing for us is to move forward, and the primary thing preventing that is our own arrogance. The belief: “If I could go back, I’d do it differently!” grossly ...
Dear Younger Me, Part 1: We Treat Regret Like a Virtue - Pastor Pete
As we seek to bring everyone in our area of influence closer to Christ, it is good to evaluate our own situation. How close to Christ am I? What does being close to Ch...
Dear Younger Me
As we seek to bring everyone in our area of influence closer to Christ, it is good to evaluate our own situation. How close to Christ am I? What does being close to Ch...
UNOFFENDABLE, Part 4: Throwing Gas on the Fires of Injustice (Work) - Pastor Nate
“Acting out of love, to show mercy, to correct injustices, to set things beautiful. Love should be motivation enough to do the right thing. And not 'love' a...
UNOFFENDABLE, Part 3: Ain't You Tired? (Rest) - Dave Panitzke
“This gavel, the one I awarded myself—who knows why?—is really, really heavy. I can keep pronouncing everyone else guilty for the rest of my life, but I’m not sure why...
UNOFFENDABLE, Part 3: Ain't You Tired? (Rest) - Pastor Kuehl
“This gavel, the one I awarded myself—who knows why?—is really, really heavy. I can keep pronouncing everyone else guilty for the rest of my life, but I’m not sure why...
UNOFFENDABLE, Part 2: Everyone's an Idiot but Me (Mercy) - Dave Panitzke
“When I was learning to drive, my grandparents' neighbor gave me some advice: "Always assume every other driver is an idiot." What he meant was that you can't assume o...
UNOFFENDABLE, Part 2: Everyone's an Idiot but Me (Mercy) - Pastor Kuehl
“When I was learning to drive, my grandparents' neighbor gave me some advice: "Always assume every other driver is an idiot." What he meant was that you can't assume o...
UNOFFENDABLE, Part 1: Is That Even Possible?! (Humility) - Pastor Pete
This week we kick off a new series: "UNOFFENDABLE". It's inspired by Brant Hansen's excellent book by the same title, that challenges us to question the myth of "right...