His Final Steps Led to a Donkey - Pastor Pete

Jesus' grand entrance into Jerusalem paved the way for our Savior’s final steps to his cross. And that was always the goal, because saving us was his mission. Saving us was his purpose. Saving us is what he did when he bowed his head and died, when he dragged down into his grave the most-deadly infection to ever plague our world! A cross-generational pandemic with a 100 percent fatality rate: sin (yours, mine, and everyone else’s too). Our fears and our worries right now: “What if there’s another pandemic? Will I get sick? What about the kids? And what about my investments and my retirement fund?” Our anger over our Father’s plans when they don’t seem to match our own. Our selfishness and self-centeredness that sometimes—especially when our life is threatened as it is now—come bubbling to the surface like so much raw sewage. Jesus answers the cry “Hosanna!” to show what kind of king he really is, precisely the kind of king broken people like you and me need—now and always.
His Final Steps Led to a Donkey - Pastor Pete
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