Our Next Steps

In our last series, “My Next Steps”, did you notice that all those steps brought you more and more into community and fellowship with others? That isn’t a coincidence. That’s how God designed it. As we grow stronger in our conviction, as we build our own family churches, as we express our commitment to Christ, all of those things bind us closer and closer to other Christians. Those steps bind us into gatherings, a congregation—our church!

When we live according to God’s plan, what we do as individuals and what we do as a church are very similar. God uses the same steps that move us forward and help us grow as individual Christians to make us a faithful and vibrant church. We are convinced! We are a community! We are committed! Praise God that he has accomplished this in our own hearts and in our church!
We are Convinced
We are a Community
We are Committed

Our Next Steps
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