Dear Younger Me, Part 2: We Want to Be In Charge - Pastor Nate

The best thing for us is to move forward, and the primary thing preventing that is our own arrogance. The belief: “If I could go back, I’d do it differently!” grossly overestimates our ability, power, wisdom and goodness. Is the problem really that you didn’t know it was a bad idea in the first place? Have you ever made the same mistake twice? Being convicted of our sinful arrogance allows us to live in the present, as David did, accept the reality that our sins have brought, hold on to the forgiveness God has given, and recognize the blessings that God still has in store. Even though David was a king, he recognized that his goal was not to build his own kingdom, but rather to trust God to build God’s kingdom, even if that meant loss for himself. Rather than holding on to regret because we want to be in charge… We move forward in humility.
Dear Younger Me, Part 2: We Want to Be In Charge - Pastor Nate
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