Dear Younger Me, Part 4: We Want to Hide It - Pastor Pete

As soon as we do something we regret, we want to hide it. Secret sins are a lie that began with the devil’s lie in the garden. As soon as Adam and Eve sinned they hid, they created a secret, something that “nobody knows.” What a silly lie! Nobody knows? No, everybody knows! Adam, Eve, God, the Devil—who else was there? And what good did hiding bring? Our hiding is no less silly but easier to rationalize. It’s not that everyone knows—there are plenty of people who don’t know. But it’s not really a secret. You know and you’re not going to forget it. Satan knows, and he will accuse you. God knows, and that is the most important relationship of all. His promise of forgiveness is real and trustworthy. Our sins impact us, God, and others, but that is no reason to hold on to regret by hiding. His promise gives us courage to face the consequences, and the strength to treat others with compassion. Nowhere in the Bible are Adam and Eve ever shamed for the Fall, even though it impacted all of us. It is simply presented as a fact with ramifications, but never with shame. Rather than holding on to regret by hiding, we will be like Adam and “Life” and… We move forward in God’s promise.
Dear Younger Me, Part 4: We Want to Hide It - Pastor Pete
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