Dear Younger Me, Part 3: We Want to Fix It - Pastor Nate

In this second week, it is necessary to make a distinction between healthy and unhealthy regret. Healthy regret is essential to repentance—what we would call contrition. The proper response to contrition is to immediately take it to the cross and leave it there. As the theme song says: “You were never meant to carry this beyond the cross.” But that is not what we usually do. We stay there in the past ruminating and pounding on the brick wall of the past that we cannot change as if we will make an impact on the past. Our constant attempts to make up for it, compensate for it, change it have one primary effect—damage to ourselves. We pound on that brick wall and end up with nothing but bloody fists. How much better it is to experience the healthy sorrow that leaves no regret, and to live in the truth that we are forgiven! That our sins have been hurled into the depths of the sea! Rather than holding on to regret because we think we can fix it…We move forward in forgiveness.
Dear Younger Me, Part 3: We Want to Fix It - Pastor Nate
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