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Displaying episodes 91 - 120 of 121 in total

Trinity Sunday 2023 - Pastor Pete

The Scriptures never use the words “Trinity” or “Triune.” They never even summarize in any single place the entirety of this doctrine. Instead, as we read God’s Word f...

Pentecost 2023 - Pastor Pete

Jesus ascended into heaven. That does not mean the gospel has ceased to march victorious around the world! Jesus promised to send another advocate to represent God to ...

Our Next Steps, Part 3: We are Committed - Pastor Nate

“But very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away.” Can you imagine the disciples’ confusion? How could this be for their good? Jesus did so many wo...

Our Next Steps, Part 2: We are a Community - Pastor Pete

Today we recognize the importance of mothers in producing the sense of community we enjoy in God’s Church.

Our Next Steps, Part 1: We are Convinced - Pastor Nate

“I am convinced!” quickly becomes, “We are convinced!” As God creates and strengthens faith in individual hearts, he also connects us with other believers. The convict...

Our Next Steps

In our last series, “My Next Steps”, did you notice that all those steps brought you more and more into community and fellowship with others? That isn’t a coincidence....

My Next Steps, Part 3: Commitment - Pastor Pete

The martyrdom of Stephen was a display of commitment that God used to change the Christian church and the world. It was the watershed moment between a local religious ...

My Next Steps, Part 2: Community - Pastor Kuehl

Doesn’t the description of the Jerusalem church sound wonderful? People eating together, sharing with each other, hanging out together, showing love and respect to eac...

My Next Steps, Part 2: Community - Pastor Nate

Doesn’t the description of the Jerusalem church sound wonderful? People eating together, sharing with each other, hanging out together, showing love and respect to eac...

My Next Steps, Part 1: Conviction - Pastor Pete

Peter was not content to merely know what he had seen. He repeatedly refers to other witnesses. He reviewed the testimony of the Old Testament. He was determined to no...

My Next Steps

Jesus walked his earthly life with direction and purpose. Every step led to his final steps, carrying his cross, and our sins to Calvary. And then, on Easter morning, ...

His First Steps Led Outside His Tomb - Pastor Nate

Together the witnesses shout to us, “Easter is real! The Lord’s gracious forgiveness of sins is real!” Jesus made that crystal clear when he sent Mary with a message f...

His First Steps Led Outside His Tomb - Pastor Pete

Together the witnesses shout to us, “Easter is real! The Lord’s gracious forgiveness of sins is real!” Jesus made that crystal clear when he sent Mary with a message f...

His Final Steps Led to the Place of the Skull - Pastor Kuehl

Tenebrae, which is a Latin word meaning "shadows," has been observed in the church of Jesus Christ since the fourth century. On this Good Friday we remember the death ...

His Final Steps Led to the Upper Room - Pastor Pete

Listen closely: “My time is near. I will observe the Passover with my disciples at your house” (Matthew 26:18). “My time is near.” The chosen time! The appointed time!...

His Final Steps Led to a Donkey - Pastor Pete

Jesus' grand entrance into Jerusalem paved the way for our Savior’s final steps to his cross. And that was always the goal, because saving us was his mission. Saving u...

His Final Steps Led to a Donkey - Pastor Kuehl

Jesus' grand entrance into Jerusalem paved the way for our Savior’s final steps to his cross. And that was always the goal, because saving us was his mission. Saving u...

Dear Younger Me, Part 6: We Want to Rationalize It - Pastor Pete

When Paul was known as Saul, he was a famous enemy of the church. His zeal for persecuting the church made his conversion all the more shocking, and his testimony even...

Dear Younger Me, Part 5: We Want to Soak in It - Pastor Nate

Fiction only resonates with us when it reflects fact. Think of our fictional heroes. Do you know what so many of them have in common? Regrets. So many of them have som...

Dear Younger Me, Part 4: We Want to Hide It - Pastor Pete

As soon as we do something we regret, we want to hide it. Secret sins are a lie that began with the devil’s lie in the garden. As soon as Adam and Eve sinned they hid,...

Dear Younger Me, Part 3: We Want to Fix It - Pastor Nate

In this second week, it is necessary to make a distinction between healthy and unhealthy regret. Healthy regret is essential to repentance—what we would call contritio...

Dear Younger Me, Part 2: We Want to Be In Charge - Pastor Nate

The best thing for us is to move forward, and the primary thing preventing that is our own arrogance. The belief: “If I could go back, I’d do it differently!” grossly ...

Dear Younger Me, Part 2: We Want to Be In Charge - Pastor Kuehl

The best thing for us is to move forward, and the primary thing preventing that is our own arrogance. The belief: “If I could go back, I’d do it differently!” grossly ...

Dear Younger Me, Part 1: We Treat Regret Like a Virtue - Pastor Pete

As we seek to bring everyone in our area of influence closer to Christ, it is good to evaluate our own situation. How close to Christ am I? What does being close to Ch...

Dear Younger Me

As we seek to bring everyone in our area of influence closer to Christ, it is good to evaluate our own situation. How close to Christ am I? What does being close to Ch...

UNOFFENDABLE, Part 4: Throwing Gas on the Fires of Injustice (Work) - Pastor Nate

“Acting out of love, to show mercy, to correct injustices, to set things beautiful. Love should be motivation enough to do the right thing. And not 'love' a...

UNOFFENDABLE, Part 3: Ain't You Tired? (Rest) - Dave Panitzke

“This gavel, the one I awarded myself—who knows why?—is really, really heavy. I can keep pronouncing everyone else guilty for the rest of my life, but I’m not sure why...

UNOFFENDABLE, Part 3: Ain't You Tired? (Rest) - Pastor Kuehl

“This gavel, the one I awarded myself—who knows why?—is really, really heavy. I can keep pronouncing everyone else guilty for the rest of my life, but I’m not sure why...

UNOFFENDABLE, Part 2: Everyone's an Idiot but Me (Mercy) - Dave Panitzke

“When I was learning to drive, my grandparents' neighbor gave me some advice: "Always assume every other driver is an idiot." What he meant was that you can't assume o...

UNOFFENDABLE, Part 2: Everyone's an Idiot but Me (Mercy) - Pastor Kuehl

“When I was learning to drive, my grandparents' neighbor gave me some advice: "Always assume every other driver is an idiot." What he meant was that you can't assume o...

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