Let's Go Camping, Part 2: Camping Produces Crises - Pastor Nate

If you have ever gone on a family camping trip, you have experienced crises. Complaints begin to surface. It’s too hot. It’s too cold. I’m tired. I don’t like the food. I’m doing more than my fair share. Moms and dads get to the breaking point too. How much more of this can they take? The Israelites experienced similar crises. It was too hard. The food was monotonous. Fortunately, the LORD was at the center of their camp. The crisis was overcome, but not without pain. A story was created that united the family for generations. What crises are you facing on your camping trip? Trust that, when the LORD is at the center of your camp, the crises will be overcome and a story of God’s faithfulness will be created.
Let's Go Camping, Part 2: Camping Produces Crises - Pastor Nate
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