He Gets Us - Family Conflict, Part 1: I Don't Need to Be "Right" - Pastor Nate

Sometimes headings can be helpful. The NIV heading for this reading is: “Jesus accused by his family and by teachers of the law.” We might not catch it at first, but there are two accusations against Jesus: his family accused him of being insane, and the people who should have been his church family accused him of being demon possessed. I wonder which one hurt more, his biological family or church family? He does respond to them differently. Does it seem like Jesus disowned his family here? Or did he just not need to prove himself right? He didn’t feel the need to defend his sanity or his pride. He didn’t need to fight with people who loved him even though they were wrong (The “even though they were wrong” is a foreshadowing of next week!) But his ministry was important enough to defend. Not because it was about him, but because it was about the kingdom. It was about the eternal salvation of those who heard him. Jesus didn’t need to be right even though he was the only one who always was right. Instead, he displayed wisdom, patience and love, valuing reconciliation over being right.
He Gets Us - Family Conflict, Part 1:  I Don't Need to Be "Right" - Pastor Nate
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