He Gets Us - Family Conflict, Part 2: They Don't Need to Be "Right" for Me to Love Them - Pastor Nate

When Jesus set out to create a church family, he didn’t go looking for people who were “right”. Case in point: Levi/Matthew the tax collector. There were many tax collectors and sinners who followed Jesus. Only Mark includes this detail. They didn’t need to be right for Jesus to love them. But once again Jesus is accused. Are there many “tax collectors and sinners” following us? Or do we fall into the same mistake the Pharisees did: “I’ll love them when they are right.” Romans 12:16 “Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited.” Humility is the path to real communication, to real relationship, to forgiveness. Jesus came to call sinners to repentance. What a perfectly balanced proclamation of Law and Gospel, with the Gospel predominating!
He Gets Us - Family Conflict, Part 2:  They Don't Need to Be "Right" for Me to Love Them - Pastor Nate
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