Our Next Steps, Part 3: We are Committed - Pastor Nate

“But very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away.” Can you imagine the disciples’ confusion? How could this be for their good? Jesus did so many wonderful things for them. Why would he leave? Jesus has also done wonderful things for us. By his death and resurrection he has given us forgiveness and eternal life. He has made us a community of convinced people. And he has another gift for us—something to be committed to. Conquering kings tend to take glory, advantage and benefits for themselves. In fact, all humans do. By nature, we try to build pyramid schemes with ourselves on top. Human nature uses the many to empower the few. But look at how differently Jesus arranges his kingdom. He alone is at the bottom, giving gifts—empowering more, like evangelists, pastors and teachers to work in his kingdom. And what is their purpose? To equip and empower more people, in fact, all of his people for service. The pyramid is upside down! Jesus’ vision for his church is that the whole convinced community be committed to his mission.
Our Next Steps, Part 3: We are Committed - Pastor Nate
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