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Displaying episodes 31 - 60 of 117 in total

Resurrection Reality, Part 1: All Will Be Made Alive - Pastor Nate

The film director Woody Allen once said, “I’m not afraid to die, I just don’t want to be there when it happens.” Studies have shown that most people fear death to vary...

Resurrection Reality

Rethinking Religion, Part 7: Rethinking Appetite - Pastor Kuehl

We use the word “appetite” to describe a powerful desire for something. So, what is it you crave the most? Where does your mind go in those quiet moments? What do you ...

Rethinking Religion, Part 6: Rethinking Real Strength - Pastor Pete

What does real strength look like? Is it exerting your will over another using any means necessary, including force. But this week we see Jesus Christ demonstrate a di...

Rethinking Religion, Part 5: Rethinking Commitment - Pastor Nate

Religious sociologists sometimes divide Christians into two groups: committed Christians and cultural Christians. The former are usually defined as those who are activ...

Rethinking Religion, Part 4: Rethinking “Try Harder” - Pastor Pete

While not every religion uses the word “sin,” they all embrace the concept. Every religion acknowledges that mankind’s flawed attitudes or misguided actions are a sour...

Rethinking Religion, Part 3: The Why of Worship - Pastor Nate

Person A never attends worship. He can’t see the point. Person B attends every week out of a slavish sense of obligation. Her mind wanders during the services, for she...

Rethinking Religion, Part 2: What We Give Up for Lent - Pastor Pete

When Jesus told us to deny ourselves and take up our cross, he wasn’t talking about chocolate or sweets. And what is the cross Jesus mentioned? Is it sickness or pain ...

Rethinking Religion, Part 1: Trials, Tests and Temptations - Pastor Nate

“If God loves us, why doesn’t he remove all the trials and tests and temptations that we face?” That question demonstrates the religious assumption that those things a...

Rethinking Religion

Meet the Man, Part 6: The One Whom the Father Loves - Pastor Pete

We began this worship series in the Jordan River. At his baptism, Jesus heard his Father’s glorious voice: “You are my Son, whom I love” (Mark 1:11). From that day, in...

Meet the Man, Part 5: The One Who Defied Demons for You - Pastor Kuehl

Martin Luther once said, “Where God built a church, there the devil would also build a chapel.” Satan and the other demons hate God. They demonstrate hatred by hurting...

Meet the Man, Part 4: The One Who Is More Than a Man - Pastor Pete

Has there ever been a man who has had as great an influence on this world as this man named Jesus Christ?  Thousands of years after his life and death his vision for l...

Meet the Man, Part 3: The One Who Gives You Purpose - Pastor Nate

To whom does the work of salvation belong? Simple question. There is only one Savior. But this is how good Jesus is. So that our lives might have profound meaning and ...

Meet the Man, Part 2: The One Who Knows You Better than You Know Yourself - Pastor Pete

We try to hide our faults and failures from others. We want people to see us at our best. Perhaps we assume that if people knew what we were really like, they would wa...

Meet the Man, Part 1: The One Who Will Change Your Life in Your Own Baptism - Pastor Pete

At his baptism in the Jordan River Jesus was publicly anointed with the Holy Spirit and designated by God the Father as his chosen Messiah. Thus, Jesus’ baptism was th...

Meet the Man, Part 1: The One Who Will Change Your Life in Your Own Baptism - Pastor Kuehl

At his baptism in the Jordan River Jesus was publicly anointed with the Holy Spirit and designated by God the Father as his chosen Messiah. Thus, Jesus’ baptism was th...

New Years Eve 2023 - Pastor Pete

On Christmas Eve a choir of angels sang, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” So, where is this peace on earth? B...

Christmas 2023 - Pastor Nate

Christmas 2023 - Pastor Pete

Go Back to Christmas, Part 3: When You Don't Understand - Pastor Pete

Why would Mary be highly favored? The thought troubled her. How could she be the mother of the Messiah? Mary had certainly heard the words of Isaiah 7, but that didn’t...

Go Back to Christmas, Part 2: To Find your Purpose - Pastor Kuehl

Have you ever wondered why the Jewish leaders sent people to ask John who he was (vs19)? Why did they care? Why did they need more than public knowledge? Because John ...

Go Back to Christmas, Part 2: To Find your Purpose - Pastor Nate

Have you ever wondered why the Jewish leaders sent people to ask John who he was (vs19)? Why did they care? Why did they need more than public knowledge? Because John ...

Go Back to Christmas, Part 1: To See God Show Up to Save - Pastor Pete

The crowds outside Jerusalem identified Jesus as the one who comes—the Messiah they were waiting for, the Messiah they needed. And they had great expectations about wh...

Saints Triumphant: E3 Proves Total Victory - Pastor Nate

Since Death’s sudden appearance at the sin of Adam…since Death’s first victory with the bloody hands of Cain…Death has reigned undefeated. The genealogies of the Old T...

Thanksgiving 2023 - Pastor Kuehl

Don’t Be Foolish! Be rich toward God!

Saints Triumphant: E3 Redefines Life and Death - Pastor Nate

See how thoroughly Endless Easter Encouragement has redefined life and death for the Christians in Thessalonica! • They were concerned that those who had died would mi...

Saints Triumphant: E3 Redefines Life and Death - Pastor Kuehl

See how thoroughly Endless Easter Encouragement has redefined life and death for the Christians in Thessalonica! • They were concerned that those who had died would mi...

Because iT Matters, Part 5: My Joy Matters - Pastor Pete

Giving brings joy to the giver, joy to the recipient, and joy to our God as he sees his children live and act like him. What gives you joy as you think about your comm...

Because iT Matters, Part 4: My Surrender Matters - Pastor Pete

The Macedonian congregation presented the Corinthians and us with a role model of surrendered giving. They did not have much. Paul mentions their “extreme poverty.” Wh...

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