Go Back to Christmas, Part 1: To See God Show Up to Save - Pastor Pete

The crowds outside Jerusalem identified Jesus as the one who comes—the Messiah they were waiting for, the Messiah they needed. And they had great expectations about what he would be and do for them. So, when they saw him riding into Jerusalem as king, they shouted, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes!” And they pinned all their hopes on him. They were so excited because their king was showing up to save them. But isn’t it interesting that before the parade and the shouting and the hosannas, Jesus simply but miraculously reminded his believers who he really is. By predicting how the whole donkey scenario would play out, Jesus reminded us that he knows how everything is going to play out. When you really need Jesus to show up, remember that he does. He always has. He has always showed up to save his people. Not always in the way they were expecting, but in the best way, because he knows how it will all play out. 
Go Back to Christmas, Part 1: To See God Show Up to Save - Pastor Pete
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